I found this quote today and it got me thinking (how, on so many different levels) of it's truth. Not only of the people in our lives (as well as those that are not present in our lives anymore) but in my case with my paintings. Creativity is such a vulnerable and personal road, one that can leave you very attached (with love) to the end result. Each one of my paintings is like a little birth of something within me and over the last few months I have had to learn this lesson of letting them go, quicker than what is my usual practice (gratitude to Late September, as she has a clever ability in selling them). My blessing with this quote is that if I know how to love, I will never run out!
I have a new painting that I just finished, it just needs photographing and D-Rings fitted before it is ready to be sent out into the world. I love that the process of painting is just fun for me now. I don't do the "Is this good enough? conversation in my head, because if I did I would never paint again. The process and joy, the feel of paint and the execution is what makes a piece of art. If all these ingredients are working then the end result will look after itself.
In the mean time Redbubble are kicking some exciting goals! They have launched a new product....scarves, they are sheer, pretty and perfect for the upcoming cooler months. I hope you like them. I had a successful workshop today, it got me thinking, what makes a successful art workshop? I guess it starts with, what is your definition of success? I realised that today my definition of success involves a lot more than recognition and wealth. Success to me, sounds like the squeal of delight as a young student stamps her art work with a beautiful palm tree, or the kindness of the students sharing and helping each other and saying what they like about each others art work. Success is a Mum (who has brought 4 little girls to the art workshop) tell me how "relaxing" it is as she sits painting & gluing away encircled by her troops. Success, is being surrounded by happy and creative individuals who are in complete joy, living in the moment.
AuthorSydney based mixed media artist. Archives
August 2023
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