I write a lot on my blog about wellbeing, creativity, gratitude and love. This has a lot to do with my practise of yoga which I took up on a serious level about 5 years. I have always dabbled in yoga but never quite found the right fit for it into my life. Over the last few years I have a better understanding of how yoga can support my life, it is a gateway to all these things that are important to me, wellbeing, creativity, gratitude and love.
Here is an article I recently wrote for Power Yoga in Manly, it's a little insight into how yoga has enhanced mine and my husbands lives. Enjoy!
I had a successful workshop today, it got me thinking, what makes a successful art workshop? I guess it starts with, what is your definition of success? I realised that today my definition of success involves a lot more than recognition and wealth. Success to me, sounds like the squeal of delight as a young student stamps her art work with a beautiful palm tree, or the kindness of the students sharing and helping each other and saying what they like about each others art work. Success is a Mum (who has brought 4 little girls to the art workshop) tell me how "relaxing" it is as she sits painting & gluing away encircled by her troops. Success, is being surrounded by happy and creative individuals who are in complete joy, living in the moment.
On Saturday I was so grateful to be a part of a Parent Wellbeing workshop at my children's school. The workshop was a way for parents to explore different tools in how best to care for themselves, both spiritually and physically. I ran a creativity workshop centred around collage. Collage art is a well known process to improve and enhance the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of individuals of all ages. It has been found to reduce stress, as we move our hands it activates the frontal cortex, which provides contentment and joy.
There was no structure to my workshop, the ethos was to let go and use your intuition. To tear, rip and cut whatever images appealed intuitively and to glue them to a large piece of paper. The process of ripping the paper was a very satisfying fine motor skill and reviewing all the "hidden" messages in the end result was very telling. By working intuitively, the collage couldn't be constructed by any ideals. The end lesson was to put the collage away at home and once a month pull it out and action something off it. So I am hoping there will be lots of walks on the beach, reading a good book in a cosy corner or even creatively cooking up a storm in the kitchen.......all wonderful tools to have in our tool box for our WELLBEING. |
AuthorSydney based mixed media artist. Archives
August 2023
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