I am not sure if it is meant to take a painter over 12 months to finish a painting. Spiritual Warrior has been a journey, as with most of my art, I really do not know where she came from. The painting started on it's path with my beautiful friend Kiera. Kiera wanted to paint and so with I as her teacher we started on our sessions which covered so many things. The beauty of creativity is not just the paint and materials but also the therapy it provides, the ability to let go and show your vulnerability on the canvas, to be non - judgmental. It can help you to tap into your intuition not just on the canvas but expanding into everyday life. In my teachings I also coaxed how to detach from what is happening with the painting and let it evolve. So as Kiera painted so did I, side by side - connection was what we found, not only together but with our materials and within ourselves. Spiritual Warrior is a 12 month story of - grief and loss, sadness Motherhood, nature, joy, yoga, love and Dharma - Life Purposes. The paining was aptly completed while I was on Power Yoga's, Modern Day Yogi Project an amazing 6 weeks of self study, yoga and health. Spiritual Warrior is not around for long but you can see her soon at the beautiful Sam's shop, Late September in Glenbrook.
I found a "Wishing Wall" in my beautiful Manly today, it is the best place for little discoveries. I took some time to read what others had wished for, some funny, some moving, a lot were generous and some shared their own personal wishes. Funny enough I spotted a wish that resonated with me "To be an ARTIST". My first response was that I wanted to tell that person that they were already an artist and probably didn't know it. All my life I wanted to be an artist and I just didn't believe I was good enough. Through a very long process of self discovery/study I came to realise that my perception of what an artist meant didn't serve me or my need and desire to live a creative life. This quote (Thank you Redbubble) came across my desk today (all such auspicious timing). It kinda sums it up nicely, wraps a bow around it and lands in your lap as gift. This is what I would love to be able to let that person know who wished their wish at the Manly Wishing Wall.
"If there’s one piece of advice I wish someone had told me years ago, it would be to create with the assumption that you’re allowed to be an artist. I wish someone had said, “it’s okay, you can do this, you can be an artist and nobody’s going to try and take it away from you.” |
AuthorSydney based mixed media artist. Archives
August 2023
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