The process of painting for me is very intuitive, what I like to call organic. I let imagery emerge in the painting without trying to manipulate it too much, an unconscious discovery of sorts. I have however (since my trip to Vietnam) been longing for a Louts flower to present itself to me. I have tried to paint them before but I have not liked the outcome and have hence painted over them or around them. So when the Louts started to form in my new work I realised I was in a state of "Santosha", not only with my painting but many aspects of my life. One of my yoga teachers described Santosha as a contentment with life. I certainly was feeling very content as I finished my art work and it was beautiful finding the right name for it.
If you would like to see Santosha it will be on display at Power Yoga Manly in reception from tomorrow, for any enquires you can contact me!
We've certainly covered a lot of ground over school holidays, all Sydney local fun. Lots of exploring our history at North Head, my new painting went out into the big wide world to Late September in Glenbrook. I channelled my inner cow girl at the new and beautiful shop Bella Boheme in Springwood and of course my students and I explored some "Heart Art". Thank you to young Isabel who sent me a shot of her gorgeous work on her art wall at home.
My new painting has the longest name ever! But when I tried to rename it especially to make it easier for Sam at Late September (who is the poor person who has to say the name when anyone enquires about it) I just couldn't. From very early on in the painting process this became it's name without any doing of mine.
Angels Have Wings Because They Are Not Afraid To Fly The idea of flight and believing in yourself is such an exciting prospect. Fear stops a lot of us from doing many things. It is often the fear of failure that prevents us from living true to who we are. Fear also gets in the way of creativity too, being fearful of making mistakes or creating something from within your very being that may not be accepted or liked by others. I don't believe in being fearless, this quite often comes with risky choices or dangerous outcomes but to step into your fear, acknowledge it and walk through it carefully to the other side, reaps such great rewards. I'm quite taken by the idea that Angels own their wings, were given them because they always had faith in knowing how to use them. What beautiful things were you given that you are not afraid to take flight with? My new painting can be found at the lovely Sam's at Late September in Glenbrook. Prints of my paining can be found in my Redbubble shop. Today in my workshop we explored collage and stencilling with canvas and acrylics. The room was the quietest I have ever heard, with 5 little creative souls concentrating very hard on their works of art. Thank you to everyone who came today, I am so lucky to get to share this with you.
I love looking back at progress photos of my paintings. Seeing where they began and the path they tread to find the end result. Here are some elements of what makes up one of my art works. It's not finished yet however I look forward to sharing it with you soon.
Any form of success is not complete unless it is followed with gratitude. Gratefulness, to the support of friends and family and gratitude for those who are part of your definition of success, which in my case are the people who love my paintings so much that they part with their hard earned money to own one. Thank you to the beautiful Sam from Late September for her ongoing and unwavering support of my art work. I am back at the easel enjoying being busy after she has sold all my pieces. Love and light to all.
I am very happy that I have finished another painting. I had hoped to evoke new imagery but another lady appeared, unintentionally. I was mentioning this to a dear friend of mine and she said "Maybe you are creating a tribe". I loved that idea and so "Dream Tribe" was born. Filled with symbols and shapes depicting strength, unity and spirituality this dream scape is bound to the mountains tomorrow to the beautiful shop Late September. If you would like a print of her, have a look at my Redbubble shop where you can find Dream Tribe on all my products.
I found this quote today and it got me thinking (how, on so many different levels) of it's truth. Not only of the people in our lives (as well as those that are not present in our lives anymore) but in my case with my paintings. Creativity is such a vulnerable and personal road, one that can leave you very attached (with love) to the end result. Each one of my paintings is like a little birth of something within me and over the last few months I have had to learn this lesson of letting them go, quicker than what is my usual practice (gratitude to Late September, as she has a clever ability in selling them). My blessing with this quote is that if I know how to love, I will never run out!
I had a successful workshop today, it got me thinking, what makes a successful art workshop? I guess it starts with, what is your definition of success? I realised that today my definition of success involves a lot more than recognition and wealth. Success to me, sounds like the squeal of delight as a young student stamps her art work with a beautiful palm tree, or the kindness of the students sharing and helping each other and saying what they like about each others art work. Success is a Mum (who has brought 4 little girls to the art workshop) tell me how "relaxing" it is as she sits painting & gluing away encircled by her troops. Success, is being surrounded by happy and creative individuals who are in complete joy, living in the moment.
Today I got to share the process of making collage hearts with a fabulous group. I have to say all the creativity going on around my table was so great to watch and everyone's hearts were so individual. I am most grateful that I get to share the properties of art making! I think everyone left feeling, satisfied, relaxed and happy.
AuthorSydney based mixed media artist. Archives
August 2023
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